Taking a cue from the custom of people leaving books and newspapers on modes of public transport , this project is a sort of artistic-design experiment, aiming to turn the Amsterdam’s typical wooden benches into a place for exchanging these items. As part of the project, a sort of clip would be attached to the
benches, the purpose of which is to hold magazines and newspapers. This would generate expectation and curiosity as to what happen around that bench. And for this we would offer a timetable on the project website for the promotion of activities, as well as utilising social media platforms to create a buzz around the initiative. This project is a unique gesture to both citizens and visitors of Amsterdam, which combines design and artistic vision to create a platform for exchange.
The Netherlands
To improve social interaction and the experience of public space by adding an element of surprise to very familiar benches. To promote the activity of reading by fostering exchange of material between users. To provide a setting for connections across sectors (city hall, media groups, artists, general public).
Beneficial outcomes
Exchange of reading material, notes, letters, books, others. Transform the bench into an “address”. Provide resources to the public at no cost. Provide exposure (public space and online presence) for participating partners.
Maintained by
Pivot (José Subero and Paula Colchero) Pivot Collaborators: Migle Nevieraite, Conor Trawinski
Amsterdam citizens, Amsterdam visitors, book-crossers, specific readers (related to the material we place on the benches. e.g. photographers, designers, music lovers, etc.), people living/working near the chosen locations.