Nouveaux Commanditaires (New Patrons)
The project consists in a platform which connects the civil society with artists in order to develop proposals for the community, addressing particular needs to bring a positive change. Citizens such as groups of teenagers, parents and children together, teachers and students, associations, inhabitants of a neighbourhood can commission a work to artists with the help of a mediator. After a first phase where the proposal is developed with the help of a mediator, the organisations seeks financial, governmental and political support for developing the project. The patrons, the artist and the mediator all remain involved until the completion of the project.
Started at France, now in 8 European countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Finland, Sweden and Great Britain).
Giving to all people – independent of financial means, educational or social status – the means to assume responsibility to commission the work of an artist for the benefit of the public.
Beneficial outcomes
Over 250 projects have been implemented (some of them are still in progress) responding to specific, local urgencies.
Maintained by
Foundation de France