Nr. 509 / 1983, 1988 / United States
House of Cars, #1 and #2
Housing built from old, unused cars originally intended as social commentary but with the potential to be sued practically
Vito Acconci
The artist built housing complexes with junk cars that had been gutted and then welded together. The original 1983 version was four battered, painted cars, stacked two-high in an abandoned vacant lot in San Francisco. Acconci's upgraded designs for living on the streets are biting commentaries on gentrification and urban reality. He never considered the works as models but hoped they would be lived in.
United States
To create real, usable housing out of society's throw-aways.
Beneficial outcomes
People could live in the car-houses for free.
Maintained by
Manilow Sculpture Park at Governor's State University, Chicago
Citizens of San Francisco