Homeless Vehicle
Krzysztof Wodiczko
A hinged metal vehicle, which can be extended to provide sleeping, washing, and toilet facilities as well as a can-storage compartment. The product was tested by a panel of homeless people and adapted to the precise subsistence needs of these prospective users.
United States
To create a tool for increased self-sustainability and survival of urban nomadic workers who opt out of the shelter system. To create mobile architecture which communicates the relationship of the homeless to the rest of the city, as legitimate members of the community and citizens.
Beneficial outcomes
The homeless become actors, orators, workers, all things which they usually are not. The Homeless Vehicles let them speak and tell their own stories and legitimate them as actors on the urban stage.
Maintained by
Krzysztof Wodiczko
Homeless people in New York City.
http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/themes/public_sphere_s/public_spher e_s/1/http://www.designboom.com/eng/archi/wodiczko.html