Child as audience
Carbon Defense League, Critical Art Ensemble
This project began in 1998 by the Carbon Defense League, with the support of Critical Art Ensemble and Institute for Applied Autonomy. It was designed for teenagers and consist in a package composed of a host of radical software, a hardcore CD, instructions on how to hack a Nintendo Game Boy and a pamphlet on the oppression of youth.
The Netherlands, Austria
The final aim was to provide the necessary information on how to hack a Nintendo Game Boy. It meant to bring together the efforts of the Carbon Defense League, and Creation Is Crucifixion, to digitally invade one of the icons of the consumer age, the Nintendo Gameboy.
Beneficial outcomes
The teenagers discovered how to hack a Gameboy and the first CDL game.
Maintained by
CAE, coproduced by Carbon Defense League, Institute for Applied Autonomy,
CAE, Creation is Crucifixion and the Carbon Defense League, Teenage boys