Arte Cidade
Grupo de Intervenção Urbana, Nelson Brissac, Agnaldo Farias
Arte/Cidade aims to discuss and plan new forms of artistic interventions in urban megacities, in areas which have both structural complexity and socio-spatial dynamics. The project speculates about a new approach toward possibilities for artistic and urban interventions: urban planning, extensive research of the regions, selection of sites and development of interventions. The project has had four editions: 1 - City Without Windows (1994); 2 - The City and its Fluxes (1994); 3 - The City and Its Stories (1997); 4 - East Zone (2002).
Arte/Cidade aims to discuss and plan new forms of artistic interventions in urban megacities, in areas which have both structural complexity and socio-spatial dynamics.
Beneficial outcomes
Interventions that relate the vast territory of megacities and the global reconfigurations of economy, power and art.
Maintained by
Arte Cidade, CIAC – Centro da Indústria, Arte e Cidade de Minas Gerais.
Vito Acconci, Giselle Beiguelman, Casa Blindada, Waltercio Caldas, Maurício Dias / Walter Riedweg, Carlos Fajardo, Nelson Felix, Hannes Forster, José Wagner Garcia, Marco Giannotti, Carmela Gross, Rem Koolhaas, Atelier Van Lieshout, Antoni Muntadas, Ary Perez, Hermann Pitz, Avery Preesman, José Resende, Schie 2.0 / Urban Fabric, Regina Silveira, Ana Tavares, Cassio Vasconcellos, Angelo Venosa, Carlos Vergara, Krzysztof Wodiczko among the others and the residents of Sao Paulo