November 17, 2023 Workshop “The Rehabilitation of La Casa Invisible – Chapter I” International Rehabilitation Workshops at La Casa Invisible (Málaga, Spain), November 19-21, 2023
April 16, 2021 Les déambulations urbaines de Talking Hands: un nouveau «partage du sensible» A text by Sabrina Dubbeld
December 8, 2020 Decentralising Political Economies is a new research website to foster useful art practices
October 21, 2020 Instituting from archives: Asociación de Arte Útil and TEOR/éTica in conversation Authors: Gemma Medina and Alessandra Saviotti This article was originally published on Archive is Power, Roots§Routes - Research on Visual Cultures, Year X, N.33, May-August 2020.
February 19, 2020 ‘Broadcasting the archive – The publication’ A limited-edition book documenting the series of workshops, city tours, activities, and conversations as part of the 3 years project Broadcasting the archive (2015-2018), curated by Gemma Medina Estupinan and Alessandra Saviotti in collaboration with museums, activist groups, artists, theorists, designers and students across EU and USA.
March 1, 2021 School of Integration Welcome Home 2021 In 2019, School of Integration, a project initiated by Tania Bruguera, saw 104 teachers from 53 countries teaching a range of lessons including history, politics, flower arranging, cookery, massage and drawing
December 5, 2020 Solidarity and support to Tania Bruguera Our friend, colleague and distinguished artist Tania Bruguera was kidnapped and finally released yesterday– we call an end to violence and the persecution of artists by the Cuban government.
May 29, 2020 Open Letter to the International Art Community Open Letter Condemns the "Artwashing" of Albanian Prime Minister's Politics
March 30, 2020 Useful Curating An essay by Stéphanie Bertrand commissioned by Ormston House, Limerick (IE) as part of The Sustainability Plan Project (2017-)
November 21, 2019 The Coefficient of Art, Architecture and Mathematics November 18–19, 2019T A two-day workshop and presentation at the Jane Addams Hull House Museum as part of the Chicago Architecture Biennial.
November 4, 2019 OPEN CALL Submit Case Studies for the Arte Útil Archive: Chicago Area (Illinois) Deadline November 14th, 2019
October 19, 2019 When Decisions Become Art Self-organisation through action and reflection: a three-week live programme at the kunstbunker – forum for contemporary art, in Nuremberg. Initiated by artist and co-founder Kathrin Böhm, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of this artist-run space. 21/10– 10/11, 2019 Kunstbunker, Nürnberg (D)
September 17, 2019 Asociación de Arte Útil at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Chicago Commissioned by the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial '…and other such stories', curated by Yeosomi Umolu, Speake Angiama and Paulo Tavares
March 25, 2019 The Constituent Museum: Collecting Relations and the Transformational Potential of Arte Útil £150,000 is awarded jointly to the Whitworth, the University of Manchester and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven from Outset Partners. The grant will support Arte Útil project to queer collections and work with local communities.
December 19, 2018 Institutional Experiments: Progressive Responses to the Dissolution of Autonomous Art Author: Kuba Szreder
December 10, 2018 Statement against Decree 349 Under Decree 349, all artists, including collectives, musicians and performers, are prohibited from operating in public or private spaces without prior approval by the Ministry of Culture in Cuba.
October 8, 2018 Uses and Misuses of Arte Útil: The Archive, The Conversations and The Institutional Scale Art in Use: Case Studies From Turkey was a two-day workshop organized by SALT’s Office of Useful Art and run by independent curators/researchers Gemma Medina and Alessandra Saviotti, working with the Association de Arte Útil. Text by Aslı Seven
October 4, 2018 Elephants in the Room, Assembly for commoning art institutions “Within the context of the commons, how does art institutional change relate to unlearning, particularly with regards to the redistribution of power?”
Study Day and Launch: Redrawing Artistic Economies Study Day and Launch of New Booklets, Diagrams, and Maps visualising and debating the Diverse Economies of Contemporary Art. Convened and moderated by Kathrin Böhm and Kuba Szreder in collaboration with the Asociación de Arte Útil.
July 27, 2018 The Usological Turn: An Interview with Stephen Wright Onur Yıldız and Naz Kocadere of SALT Research and Programs interviewed Stephen Wright, the author of Toward a Lexicon of Usership (2013), following his talk ‘‘Usership: Tales of Life Onboard’’ held at SALT Galata on March 10, 2018.
May 9, 2018 Art in Use: Case Studies from Turkey May 25 and 26, 2018 - 13:00 to 16:00 The workshop is organized by the Office of Useful Art at SALT Galata, Istanbul (TR) in collaboration with the Asociacioón de Arte Útil.
April 17, 2018 Adelita Husni-Bey answers some questions about the ‘Convention on the Use of Space’ As part of the program 'Broadcasting the Archive' curated by Gemma Medina and Alessandra Saviotti at mima, Middlesbrough (25-28 October 2016), Adelita Husni-Bey was invited to answer some questions related to the 'Convention on the Use of Space'.
April 5, 2018 Convocatoria Escuela de Arte Útil en el MUAC Convocatoria de participación en la Escuela de Arte Útil que se desarrollará en Agosto-Septiembre en el MUAC. La convocatoria permanecerá abierta hasta el 29 de Junio de 2018.
March 26, 2018 CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA ARCHIVO DE ARTE ÚTIL: MÉXICO Convocatoria de casos prácticos para el Archivo de Arte Útil: Mexico. Plazo hasta el 31 de Mayo de 2018.
December 15, 2017 Broadcasting the archive in Barcelona: Analysing the side effects of Arte Útil projects A paper published in Art & the Public Sphere, Volume 6 Issue 1-2, September 2017, Intellect Books, UK. Authors: Gemma Medina Estupiñán and Alessandra Saviotti
September 5, 2017 Does Art Have Users? The second International Summit of the Asociación de Arte Útil (September 28–30, 2017) is part of the symposium ‘Does Art Have Users?’ presented by SFMOMA in partnership with Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and the Asociación.
April 17, 2017 The Evolving Office: an Arte Útil project Organized by the students of the Collaborative Project class ‘Evolving the Archive: Arte Útil in the Bay Area’ (San Francisco Art Institute - School of Interdisciplinary Studies/Exhibition and Museum Studies).
April 7, 2017 Escuela de Arte Útil at YBCA As part of the exhibition Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power/Hablándole al Poder, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and Tania Bruguera will open a fully functioning school inside of the galleries.
March 2, 2017 Broadcasting the archive#9: reflexions on participation In this text, Gemma Medina Estupiñan and Alessandra Saviotti will focus on our last activity, Broadcasting the Archive #9, at mima (October 2016, Middlesbrough, UK).
December 14, 2016 OPEN CALL Submit Case Studies for the Arte Útil Archive: Bay Area (California) Deadline February 8, 2017
October 23, 2016 Broadcasting the archive #9 – Middlesbrough Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art presents a week of conversations, workshops and site visits organised with Broadcasting the Archive in collaboration with Emily Hesse from New Linthorpe.
September 9, 2016 Notes from the Field: Re-articulating the Role of Aesthetics in Relation to Functionality Author Alec Steadman The article explains the process behind the collaboration between Arts Catalyst and the Asociación de Arte Útil in the context of the exhibition 'Notes from the Field. Commoning Practices in Art and Science' (28 January 2016 - 19 March 2016)
September 3, 2016 Granby Office of Useful Art The Office of Useful Art opens in 148 Granby Street, Liverpool (UK)
July 20, 2016 Broadcasting the archive #5: University of La Laguna (ULL) & TEA In December 2015 I was invited by the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, SP) to participate in a program of conferences as part of the Master of Art theory, Art History and cultural development organized in collaboration with TEA (contemporary art center). Report by Gemma Medina.
June 28, 2016 Arte Útil Summit 2016 The first Summit of the Asociación de Arte Útil, Responding to Current Urgencies – Toolkit for an Institution, will be held at Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (mima), UK on the 22 – 25 July 2016.
June 16, 2016 Broadcasting the archive #6 – Barcelona A 2-days programme in collaboration with Avalancha
March 24, 2016 Broadcasting the Archive: Redefining the City Through Socially Engaged Practices, Community Art and Cultural Activism A conversation between Gemma Medina Estupiñan and Alessandra Saviotti Published February 2016 on
Arte Útil at Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw A selection of projects from the Arte Útil archive is featured in 'Making Use: Life in Postartistic Times' from Feb. 19 to May 1.
March 3, 2016 Broadcasting the archive #4 Broadcasting the archive travelled to Liverpool invited by Liverpool John Moore’s University (LJMU) to be part of the Office of Useful Art (19-31 October 2015). Report by Gemma Medina.
February 1, 2016 Broadcasting the archive #2 Broadcasting the archive was invited for a 6-weeks residency at The Luminary, St. Louis, MO (Oct 21st to Nov 30th 2015). Report by Alessandra Saviotti
December 2, 2015 Broadcasting the archive #3 Broadcasting the archive was invited to be part of the Age of Wonderland: an initiative by Baltan Laboratories and Hivos, developed for Dutch Design Week (Oct. 17th- 26th, 2015). Report by Gemma Medina Estupiñan
October 20, 2015 Programme for the Office of Useful Art Day One in The 'Office of Useful Art: 2015 - Localist Worker
October 16, 2015 Broadcasting the archive #1 A report about the first workshop organised by Aleppo in the frame of the program “The use of the use” as part of the Curated tour of Brussels Art Days (September 11th -13th 2015), curated by Caroline Dumalin (Wiels).
October 15, 2015 Office of Useful Art at the Exhibition Research Centre, Liverpool John Moores University 19 – 30 October 2015 Mondays to Fridays, 10.00am – 4.00pm
March 25, 2015 Arte Útil / Gallery Nova / Zagreb Gallery Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb 27 March 2015 - 16 May 2015 Arte Útil archive, with new projects by Kulturni lift, Dina Rončević and working group k.r.u.ž.o.k.
March 21, 2015 The Use of History and the Histories of Use: Museum of Arte Útil and Really Useful Knowledge Author Nick Aikens Published January 2015 on
March 20, 2015 The Arte Útil team stands in support of Tania Bruguera Tania was arrested and freed three times for having organized a public performance in La Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución.