Art in Use: Case Studies from Turkey
The workshop is organized by the Office of Useful Art at SALT Galata, Istanbul (TR) in collaboration with the Asociacioón de Arte Útil.
What are the current manifestations of “useful art” in Turkey? How does artistic production respond to local economic and political urgencies? Since its opening in September 2017 at SALT Galata, the Office of Useful Art has been providing an open space for potential co-learning practices between SALT and its users, while exploring the possible uses of art in negotiating social and political issues. This two-day workshop by Gemma Medina and Alessandra Saviotti will provide a discussion platform around the institution’s research findings relating to various aspects of artistic practices in Turkey today.
The workshop will kick off with a talk by Medina and Saviotti, members of the Asociación de Arte Útil, on the intentions of building the Arte Útil Archive, an online platform compiling international case studies that respond to the notion of useful art. The second day will follow with an in-depth examination of the recent cases from Turkey that were incorporated within the archive.
Established in partnership with Asociación de Arte Útil and comprising the presentations of case studies, the Office of Useful Art raises discussions on the role of contemporary art in neoliberal economy, new museology theory, sustainable architecture, video activism, new media systems, politics of knowledge, ecological crisis among others through a series of public programs.
The workshop will be held in English. To apply to the program, a brief text (in English) detailing the reasons of interest to useful art should be sent to until May 22. Selected participants will be notified by email on May 23.
MAY 25
13.00 Introduction
13.15 Arte Útil Archive: History, Use and Benefits
14.30 Break
15.00 Case Studies from Turkey: Edible Estate, Dünyada Mekan, CraftedinIstanbul, Between Two Seas
MAY 26
13.00 Introduction
13.30 Group Discussions: Examples of Useful Art from Turkey
15.00 Break
15.15 Group Discussions: Examples of Useful Art from Turkey
16.00 Concluding Remarks