Pelle Bragge, N55
SMALL TRUCK is a lightweight, low-cost, human powered vehicle that enables persons to move loads up to about 300 kg at slow speeds. SMALL TRUCK provides shelter from wind and rain and can be equipped with various systems: platforms and trailers that can support micro-economical initiatives, like for example, a transport company, a small shop, restaurant, cinema or office, or it could be equipped to offer an unfold-able concert scene, public library, or a mobile home.
The chassis of the SMALL TRUCK has been realized through a collaboration between Pelle Brage and N55. The chassis will be used by both parties in different ways. This means SMALL TRUCKs will appear in various materials and shapes, depending on the context in which it is meant to function.
N55 recommend that the SMALL TRUCK is copied by other persons, and that the trucks are made available for others when they are not in use.
Beneficial outcomes
By transporting things using a SMALL TRUCK, the driver gets physical exercise while working. By combining these activities, time is also spared for other things.
Maintained by
City Dwellers